WESMAR: The Ultimate in Bow and Stern Thrusters
Designed to perform — New Look, New power, Quiet Strength
Bow thrusters for Vessels from 38 to 200+ feet
WESMAR Dual Prop V2 Thrusters
For all sized vessels — pleasure and commercial. The dual prop, counter rotation design produces a rugged and reliable bow thruster that produces about 40% more thrust with the same input horsepower. Available in the following models and sizes: V2 7m-8m, 10m, 12m. V210 saddle V2-12 Saddle. V2-16, V2-18 and V2-20 series available in saddle and non saddle.
A Complete Line of Heavy Duty Commercial Bow Thruster Systems for workboats. Powerful, efficient and reliable!
WESMAR V2-24/26 Systems
Are extremely powerful, designed for commercial craft and large pleasure boats. Sleek, efficient, heavy duty systemw use 24 or 26-inch props. This design allows for more effective placement of this smaller tunnel lower in the water and further forward, providing better pivotal performance and reducing cavitation and noise.
WESMAR V2 34 System
It is one of 8 systems for commercial vessels. This steel encased system uses 40-inch diameter, four blade Kaplan style props and provides power capable of precise movement of commercial vessels. This and the V2 200 series are designed for vessels requiring between 200 and 350 horsepower.
WESMAR Larger V2-48 System
WESMAR’s innovative Double Thrust bow thrusters provide a conservative 40% more thrust than conventional single-prop designs with the same tube, prop size, GPM and PSI. When water passes through a spinning prop two types of energy are created: axial and swirl. WESMAR’s V2 systems convert swirl energy into axial energy. The result is greater efficiency and more thrust.